Playful Revolution goes W00t Copenhagen Play Festival!

w00t logoThe Playful Revolution goes Copenhagen!
w00t Festival is all about physical play. This year the Revolution will contribute to the festival hosting a Physical Crowd Game design course, at Roskilde University. The interdisciplinairy student group has been designing a crowd game for a musical concert setting.
check out the w00t programme, a great line-up of the emerging Playful Arts Scene

A group of students from Roskilde University have in cooperation with a game designer Sylvan Steenhuis developed a new concept combining music and game with focus on interaction. The concert will be an interactive experience, providing the audience to be an active, co-creative part of the concert. The combination of music and game will open up to a common experience for the audience and artist, and in this way try to further develop the interaction between the two art forms.

w00t signage

Magic Triangle

Ludic Interventions experimenting with the ‘Magic Triangle’, as opposed to that ‘other’ magic shape referred to in game design. a collaboration for Playful Jam @ New Gamegrounds, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, Netherlands